Sunday, March 3, 2013

Have Ethics left the galleries?

I met an artist and his about to be rep some time ago. I was a little taken back by their plan to put the artist on the map so to speak. The plan was to auction off one of the artist works, the rep was to buy back the work for 60k thus setting the price for the artists work.

It lead me to think and look at the most expensive photos sold in our times and found the following list.
Interesting the Peter Lik is in the top 20, who has a number of galleries around the world and who employees around 200 people to print frame and manage his business.

I really have to ask the question and put it out there, is this a new low in ethics of art world where galleries and artist jack up the price by bidding or having someone bid on their work? We know it goes on online but proving it maybe another matter.

No doubt those of you who followed the case of my friend Jim Krantz image of the Marlboro Man ad shoot in that was copier by the self acclaimed artist Richard Perice and the images was sold for 1.3 USD at New York City Guggenheim Museum. Back when that story broke I asked myself what type of ethic the Guggenheim Museum worked under displaying copied works.

Peteer Lik

4.2 million dollare sale

An at the other end of the scale you have a company called Getty who have no interest in looking after the creator and paying .80 NZD to the photographer for a 12 month usage.
In doing so Getty have shown the other end of the industry where they have lowered the street price so much it is no longer profitable to be a stock photographer. For this reason I no longer have anything to do with the company and use

Profit my not be a dirty word however fair and reasonable left some galleries.





Allan Johnston Photography